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BMW 320i Citicorp

BMW 320i Citicorp

Artikelnummer: 24025

Brand new decals for Tamiya BMW 320 i Citicorp, first Tamiya kit in 1/24th!


    All of our decals are digitally printed, with HIGH quality, HIGH resolution.

    Each sheet comes with specific instructions to use our decals, as they are different from standard kit ones.


    Decals are not pre-cut.


    If a set is not in stock, it can be printed on request.


    We ship worldwide, we try to give you the most exact price including handling fees.

    To US, Russia, Asia we ship with Signed For ONLY.
    Orders over 70€ will be shipped with Signed For ONLY.

19,28 €Preis
inkl. MwSt.
Nur noch 1 verfügbar

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