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Ford Fiesta R5 2020-2021-2022 transkit

Ford Fiesta R5 2020-2021-2022 transkit

Artikelnummer: TK24237

Hold yourselves! A great transkit is coming! For the modelers that want more, you can now use a Belkits Fiesta WRC+ kit to create one of the best R5 cars ever! This Transkit contains all you need to create a great car, using all parts, including windows and rims, from the belkits kit!
nd, if you are looking for a budget build, try looking around for an IXO/Hachette magazine Fiesta WRC+, that was sold for less than 10€: fun fact, it shares all the same components with belkits! you can now build a great R5 fiesta, with a limited budget and some creativity!!

Transkit is sold as white, liveries are yet to be announced and released, but always separate.


    82,55 €Preis
    inkl. MwSt.
    Nicht verfügbar

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