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Lancia 037 Rear Rims

Lancia 037 Rear Rims

Artikelnummer: TK24034

Lancia 037 Rear rims


Set of 2 wheels, to be mounted on kit tires. Each rim is composed by 3 parts.


    Color of the resin may change without notice. alla parts are intended to be painted and re-worked before assembling.

    Most of our parts are 3D directly printed. We use high resolution, and we are always seeking for the best resins and setting to deliver you high standards.

    If some printing lines may come to be visible, sand down the model using 1000 grit sand paper. Usually applying a thicker coat of primer does the job.


    From all our tests, plastic primer works just great, Tamiya Primer and Zero Primers have been tested so far. No extra or special cleaning needed, our parts are deeply cleaned with IPA alcool.

    We design our parts with some tolerances, to allow an easier assembling even when painted. Please, take not of this.


    We ship worldwide, we try to give you the most exact price including handling fees.

    To US, Russia, Asia we ship with Signed For ONLY.
    Orders over 70€ will be shipped with Signed For ONLY.

11,34 €Preis
inkl. MwSt.
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