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Ducati V4R 2022 TK

Ducati V4R 2022 TK

Artikelnummer: 12034

Here we are offering a great transkit, developed with our friend Christian that assembled and tested the first sample.
This transkit is perfect to replicate the 2022 WDW ducati V4R, and use our decals, also available, to create the race of champions replica bikes.


We are offering the option to buy without rims, for any other project. (SBK set will be released later on).

This set offers an easy to mount exhaust, that comes in a single piece, with its great details, such as soldering points and springs attachments. You will only need to snap it onto the bike and there you go! Ready!
We are also providing exhaust supports and winglets to be fixed on the bike using premade pins: a special "tool guide" is provided to drill kit pieces to perfection, using a 1.2mm drill point. (we suggest manually drilling, as the supports must be drilled at an angle)

Included in this transkit is:

- Full Akrapovic Titanium exhaust, with springs and dedicated decals (no carbon fiber included)

- New front winglets

- Rims (optional)

- Carters required for the new exhaust

- Brake lever protection
- Extensive instruction sheet

    45,00 €Preis
    inkl. MwSt.

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