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Mclaren MP4/4 rims

Mclaren MP4/4 rims

SKU: 20016

Set of rims to enhance the look of your F1 mp4/4 kit. 

The rear rim is split, to allow a greater quality when painting it, that is very hard with the monoblock kit ones. Two small alignment pins will keep everything in place, and assure the air valve is correclty located.

Provided in this set, are some bolts that can be applied on the outer channel of both front and rear Dymags, as seen in several picture, but no all of them. Holes are not completely open, but are marked on the outer lip on the outside. Just drill them with a 0.4mm tool and apply the bolt after printing, for an extra detailing touch.


This product is made on request, please allow up to 14 days to produce.

    € 16,96Prezzo
    IVA inclusa
    Ne restano solo: 2

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